Tag Archives: resolutions

Make summer resolutions!

Q7UIKF58IRAs the school year draws to a close and we move into summer, it is great idea to make some summer resolutions focused on making your family a priority –  to spend more time together, have more conversations, and have fun together!

Think of resolutions that fit your family and your summer plans. Here are some ideas to get you started!

Delegate chores
Give your children specific chores that they can each be responsible for. They will feel helpful and you will appreciate the help!

Ask questions, listen and share!
Talk to your kids! Ask them about their school year and what they are looking forward to next year. Ask them what they are most excited about this summer. Share some stories from your childhood! Tell them about some of your great summer memories! Talk about the week, upcoming plans, and work out family problems.

Plan family trips
Whether you can get away together for an hour, a day, a weekend, or more, planning a family trip can help strengthen family bonds. Pick a place where you can explore and learn together, or a place that has special memories you can share.

Cook and eat together
Pick a recipe, go to the grocery store together, pick up the ingredients, and make a meal together! Spend time asking your kids about what cuisines they like and what they would enjoy making! Talk to your kids about the culture and traditions that correspond with the cuisine you are cooking. Then sit down together and enjoy the delicious meal you have made together!

Go for walks
A walk is a great way to calm down, clear your mind, and get some exercise together. You can talk with your kids about your day, about the community, or upcoming plans!

Speak with your kids and pick a community service project to get involved in together! Volunteering with your kids in the community will make you all feel great!

Play a game
Turn the TV off, turn your cell phones off, and pick out a game  – Scrabble, Risk, Pictionary, Monopoly, Stratego, Charades, Farkle, Go Fish, Uno, Connect Four, Twister, or another! Enjoy the time together!

Create a family night
Pick one night a week for family night. This is the night every week that you and your family get together to cook, bake, play a game, watch a movie, or enjoy another activity. If you stick with it, the family night could become a ritual and last through the next school year!

Make each child feel special.
Whether you have one kid or many, make a commitment to spend time doing something unique with each child. Whether it’s throwing a baseball, ice skating, painting, or something else your kids will feel important to you!

Make time for your spouse
Dedicate time to your partner. You are parents, but you are also friends and lovers and those relationships need time and nurturing! Schedule a date night for the two of you and have fun!