We need your support for a special Mother’s Day celebration we are putting on for the young mothers in our care at our office in Baltimore! Currently we have 20 young mothers in our semi-independent living program, transitional group home, and foster homes. We want to provide them with a nice dinner and some spa-themed goodie bags.
The young women in our care have faced many challenges in their lives and many of them grew up in foster care. They are learning how to parent their kids without repeating the trauma and abuse they suffered, to be better parents and create better tomorrows for their children.
We would be grateful for your support! We need your help filling swag bags for our young mothers with:
- Lotion
- Nail polish
- Body wash
- Hair/nail gift certificates to salons in the Baltimore-area
- Other pampering items
Please contact Caitlin Buckley at cbuckley@heartsandhomes.org if you can contribute to the swag bags and support our young mothers on this special day. We greatly appreciate your help to make a brighter future for these young mothers and their babies!