Building brighter skill sets

0MLR4O66MPOur kids have had a great summer so far, thanks to partnerships with great groups like Most Valuable Kids and Bethesda Big Train, and to supporters in the community. The unique experiences and opportunities that one might take for granted, are a first time for many of the youth in our care!

In addition to the unique experiences, the young in our programs are keeping themselves active this summer. For example, one of the young women at Helen Smith Group Home graduated in June and has been working at a local restaurant this summer. She will begin studying in the fall at Montgomery College or Morgan State University. Her goal is to become a nurse.

Another young lady at Helen Smith Group Homes is also working at a local restaurant and taking two summer classes so that she can graduate from high school this summer.

Another youth is a rising Senior at her high school. She has been working this summer as a lifeguard at a community pool. She enjoys theatre and drama class. Her goal is to be a business owner.

One young woman is entering her Junior year and will participate in the Dual Enrollment program for high school students at Montgomery College. She has also been working at a local restaurant this summer.

Three young ladies are fairly new to the program. One is attending summer school and enjoys arts and crafts. Another enjoys animals and working with her hands; she said when she grows up she wants to be a tow truck driver, a volunteer fire fighter, or an auto mechanic. The third young woman loves animals, cooking, and trying new things; she recently helped volunteers with yard work at the group home.