
Read what the young people in our care, parents of clients, supporters, and referring agencies have to say about our services!

“I’m so grateful to have had Hearts & Homes come into my life because without them I wouldn’t have met some of the people I had. The biggest impact in my life was my foster mom, because she allowed me to be myself. She opened up not only her heart but her home as well and told me that I can stay even after I aged out of the program. She is the reason I learned to become a woman and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I couldn’t have asked for a better mom. Hearts & Homes worked with me, through my ups and downs. They never treated me like part of the system, they always treated me as though I was human and let me know that I can be anything and do anything I set my mind too.” – Foster Youth

“Thank you so much for your efforts this afternoon and for everything you’ve done for J while she has been in your care.  It was very moving to see how she reacted once she figured out she was going home and what a great source of comfort you were to her in that moment.  I can tell how what a solid relationship  J was able to form with you which is something that does not come easy for her. I will spread the word about Hearts and Homes – you really made a difference on behalf of my client and she would not be in the position she’s in right now without your testimony in court.  Testifying is not an easy task.” – Supervising Attorney