Food Lion Supports Hearts & Homes

FullSizeRender (2)Food Lion donated a gift certificate to Hearts & Homes for Youth on Wednesday afternoon at the Robert Oliver Place Food Lion in Columbia, MD. The donation came after community relations director Caitlin Buckley submitted a  request for support at the store.

The managers and employees at Robert Oliver Place Food Lion were glad to support Hearts & Homes for Youth and build another partnership in the community.

facesOfHunger_copy.v-2-2-5533-21328Food Lion strives to be a good neighbor and responsible corporate citizen in the communities it serves. An example of their dedication to community welfare is the “Groceries for Good” campaign Food Lion is holding through March 17. Through the campaign, when customers use their MVP card to buy five participating items, Food Lion will help provide five meals to local food banks.

Over 800 specially marked participating products in the “Groceries for Good” campaign are available for customers to buy and 100 percent of the donations benefit Feeding America. Feeding America is the leading domestic hunger-relief charity in the United States.

Food lion aims to provide 500 million meals by the end of 2020 to help solve the issue of hunger that affects many  people; so far Food Lion has donated nearly 600 million meals through in-store campaigns like “Groceries for Good,” through its food donation program, and through volunteerism.