Join us for our annual Princess Party! The event is an opportunity for the girls and young women of Hearts & Homes for Youth to pick an outfit, get dressed up, and feel like princesses! Hasn’t every female, at one time or another, dreamed of being “Princess for a Day”?
Princess Party
Hearts & Homes Headquarters
2017 TBD
We need your support! The care and attention the volunteers afford to our young women is priceless! If you would like to get involved, contact Vicki Valle at
The young ladies in the care of Hearts & Homes for Youth have the special experience of the Princess Party experience thanks to Susan Davis, wife of devoted Hearts & Homes Board Member Larry Davis! “I was just purging, going through my closet, and I found I had dresses,” Davis recalls. “A lot of them had tags on them, and I thought, I can do something with these dresses.” All of that turned into Princess Party – and an entire office floor transformed into a shopping mall, with not only gowns and shoes and jewelry, but also volunteers to do hair, makeup, and even teach the girls “the walk.”
At the Princess Party, our young women pick a dress or two, matching shoes and jewelry. Their makeup and hair are done by local business professionals who volunteer their time. The young women enjoy a delicious assortment of food and attention from all the guests, staff, and volunteers at the Princess Party! The goal of the event is for our girls and young women to feel beautiful, confident, and immeasurable self-worth.