The value of reading together

reading-across-americaReading is a fundamental tool to function in society and a vital skill to succeed in school and the workplace. Reading is one of the ways we learn and discover. At Hearts & Homes, we believe reading together is a great way to spend time with your kids, support their development, and build a stronger relationship.

Reading to toddler or preschool-age children, especially between the ages of two and five, is critical for their development. Reading to your kids can help them develop basic speech skills, communication skills, logical reasoning skills, ability to concentrate, memory retention, and a higher aptitude for learning.

The importance and benefits of reading do not end. Throughout our lives, reading fosters our imagination, introduces us to new ideas, and empowers us.

Reading is good and it is a great way to spend time with your kids. We suggest you that ask your son or daughter what they are reading, or ask them what they think would be a great book to read. After reading the same book, you can discuss the story, the characters, the issues that came up, and how the characters dealt with challenges.

Reading books with your kids is an opportunity to spend time together, enjoy each other’s company, have something to talk about, develop a ritual, and maintain open lines of communication while your kids grow up.

Check out the links below to read about family book clubs and to learn more about how you can start your own group!