Tag Archives: police

Hearts & Homes featured on WJLA ABC 7!

Screen Shot 2016-08-24 at 5.07.59 PMCheck out our CEO/President Chloe Perez on ABC 7 News – WJLA with Police Officer Oliver Janney and one of the young men in our care talking about the back to school picnic picnic we had today with the Montgomery County Police Department and Rockville City Police Department! The kids in our care had a great time!

Click here to see the segment

Every year, Hearts & Homes for Youth hosts a back to school picnic for the youth in our care with new backpacks and school supplies gifted to the youth by Social and Scientific Systems. This year, Hearts & Homes hosted the picnic with the Montgomery County Police Department and Rockville City Police Department in an effort to build positive relationships between the youth in our care and law enforcement. The event was a hit! The kids in our care had a great time talking, playing basketball, and eating great food with Montgomery County Police Officers, City of Rockville Police Officers, board members, and staff!